James Thomas is an independent software consultant.
He helps companies solve business problems using technology. James specialises in cloud application development (serverless). He also has extensive experience in open-source development and developer relations.
If you would like to discuss James helping your business, please contact: consulting@jamesthom.as
James worked at IBM for 13 years. He had numerous roles including Developer Advocate, Emerging Technologies Consultant, Open-Source Developer (Dojo Toolkit & Apache OpenWhisk) and Full-Stack Developer (IBM Watson). His final role was as the Lead Developer Advocate for Serverless at IBM Cloud.
James has spoken at developer conferences all over the world, including Twilio SIGNAL, IBM IMPACT, DevRelCon, Codemotion, Devoxx. Video recordings of his talks are available on YouTube. Slides from his talks are available on Speaker Deck.
James is an open-source committer and PMC member on Apache OpenWhisk.
James co-founded the Serverless Days London conference series. This led to the creation of the global Serverless Days movement.