James Thomas

Notes on software.

OpenWhisk and MQTT

OpenWhisk Feeds provide the mechanism to bind external events sources to serverless function executions.

Want to use OpenWhisk to listen for database updates to generate usage statistics? Or write Slack bots that respond to trigger words? Or notify users when Github project changes?

Rather than manually listening for these events with an external application and calling OpenWhisk Actions through the API, OpenWhisk Feeds automate connecting external events sources with Actions.

Feeds allow users to register Triggers to be invoked when external events occur. Defining Rules that bind these Triggers to Actions, we can have Actions run for external events.

OpenWhisk Packages

Feeds are contained within and accessible through Packages.

OpenWhisk provides numerous built-in packages under the whisk.system namespace. These packages contain both public Actions and Feeds.

$ wsk package list /whisk.system
/whisk.system/alarms                                              shared
/whisk.system/cloudant                                            shared
/whisk.system/watson                                              shared
/whisk.system/system                                              shared
/whisk.system/weather                                             shared
/whisk.system/util                                                shared
/whisk.system/slack                                               shared
/whisk.system/samples                                             shared

Retrieving the package summary, the Actions and Feeds contained within are returned. Feeds are referenced by the publisher’s namespace, package and feed name, e.g. /whisk.system/alarms/alarm

$ wsk package get /whisk.system/alarms --summary
package /whisk.system/alarms: Alarms and periodic utility
   (params: cron trigger_payload)
 feed   /whisk.system/alarms/alarm: Fire trigger when alarm occurs

The Alarm package (/whisk.system/alarms) contains a single Feed (/whisk.system/alarms/alarm) that calls the registered Trigger on a fixed schedule. Users provide the timer schedule through the cron parameter.

When creating new Triggers, users can specify a Feed source to bind their new Trigger to the external event source. Parameters from the command-line will be passed to the Feed source. The Feed provider will execute the Trigger each time an external event occurs.

$ wsk trigger create everySecond --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm -p cron '*/1 * * * * *' -p trigger_payload '{"vote":"Bernie"}'

This new Trigger will be invoked every second with the payload contents by the alarm Feed. Using rules, the Feed Trigger can be bound to call an Action on each invocation.

$ wsk rule create --enable alarmRule everySecond actionName

As well as using the built-in Feeds, users can create and register custom Feeds. This provides a way to integrate almost any external event source into the platform. Publishing custom Feeds within a public package will also make this event source available to all users on the systen, provided they know the package identifier.

Creating Custom Feeds

Users register new Feeds by providing a custom Action to the platform. This Action is invoked each time the Feed is bound to a new Trigger. Authentication credentials, supporting Trigger invocation through the OpenWhisk API, are passed in as invocation parameters.

This sample Action contains an outline for processing requests.

Feed Action
// params.lifeCycleEvent - Enum value (CREATE|DELETE) 
// params.triggerName - User's Trigger identifier to call
// params.authKey - Authentication details for calling Trigger

function main (params) {
  if (params.lifecycleEvent === 'CREATE') {
  } else if (params.lifecycleEvent === 'DELETE') {

  return whisk.async();

The params argument contains the Trigger information provided by the platform and any parameters from the user during creation.

The lifeCycleEvent parameter is a string value, informing the Feed provider whether to register (CREATE) or remove (DELETE) the user’s Trigger with the event source. The Trigger identifier is passed as the triggerName parameter, with the authentication key (authKey) used for the API requests.

Feed Actions must be registered with a custom annotation (feed), allowing the platform to distinguish them from “normal” Actions. This annotation can be set during the create command.

$ wsk action create -a feed true feed_name feed_action.js

Once a custom Feed Action has been registered, users can create new Triggers using that Feed source, following the steps above.

MQTT Feeds

The “Internet of Things” is often cited as a common usecase for serverless platforms. Solutions are often event-driven and stateless, e.g. wait for data from this device, do some processing and then store the results in this database.

MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe messaging protocol, commonly used for edge of network device-to-device communication.

Bridging MQTT messages to OpenWhisk Actions can be achieved by creating a new Feed provider. This provider would subscribe to message topics and execute registered Triggers with incoming messages.

The custom feed provider would need to establish and maintain long-lived MQTT connections, waiting for messages to arrive. This requirements means the Feed provider needs an external service to handle managing these connections, it won’t be possible within the Feed Action.

This feed provider service is implemented using Node.js, using Cloudant for the database. The service listens for HTTP requests, with Trigger registration details, from the Feed Action. The Node.js MQTT library is used to subscribe to registered topics. When messages are received, the OpenWhisk client library is used to invoke the Trigger remotely, passing the message contents as event parameters.

This service provider is packaged using Docker.

Pushing this image into the IBM Containers registry, the Feed provider can be started on IBM Bluemix using the Containers service.

Pushing feed provider to IBM Containers
$ docker build -t USERNAME/mqtt_feed_provider .
$ docker tag USERNAME/mqtt_feed_provider registry.ng.bluemix.net/USERNAME/mqtt_feed_provider
$ docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/USERNAME/mqtt_feed_provider

Registering Feeds

With the Feed service provider running, the Feed Action can be deployed.

The Feed will be registered under the name, mqtt_feed_provider, in a custom package, mqtt.

Using the –shared command-line flag, the Feed package can be registered as a public package. Feeds and Actions within public packages are visible to every system user.

Rather than hardcoding the service provider location within the Feed Action, this configuration value will be accessible as a package parameter. This can be updated at runtime with modifying the Feed Action source.

$ wsk package create --shared -p provider_endpoint "http://CONTAINER_IP:3000/mqtt" mqtt
$ wsk package update mqtt -a description 'MQTT topic feed. Messages received on broker topic as passed to triggers"

Having created the package, we can add the Feed Action, using the custom attribute to denote this is a Feed Action.

$ wsk action create -a feed true mqtt/mqtt_feed mqtt_feed.js

Once the Feed has been registered, it can be referenced when creating new Triggers.

$ wsk trigger create feed_trigger --feed /james.thomas@uk.ibm.com_dev/mqtt/mqtt_feed -p topic 'whiskers' -p url 'mqtt://test.mosca.io'

MQTT broker url and topic name are passed as Trigger parameters, using the -p flags. These values are included within the invocation arguments to the Feed Action, shown below.

var params = {
  url: 'mqtt://test.mosca.io',
  provider_endpoint: 'http://CONTAINER_IP:3000/mqtt',
  topic: 'whiskers',
  lifecycleEvent: 'CREATE',
  triggerName: '/james.thomas@uk.ibm.com_dev/feed_trigger'

Once the Feed service provider has connected to the broker and subscribed to the topic, incoming messages will register as Trigger events invocations for the public_feed Trigger.

Using this custom Feed, users can easily connect MQTT messages to OpenWhisk Actions.

Github Project

Source code for this custom OpenWhisk Feed is available here. The project contains the Feed Action and Provider service. The README contains the deployment and usage instructions.

Cognitive Bots With IBM Watson

Later this month, I’m speaking at Twilio’s conference about building cognitive bots with IBM Watson. Preparing for this presentation, I’ve been experimenting with the IBM Watson services to build sample bots that can understand, and act on, natural language.

IBM’s artificial intelligence system, Watson, now provides a series of “cognitive” services available through IBM’s Bluemix cloud platform. Developers can integrate everything from natural language processing, image and speech recognition, emotion analysis and more into their applications using RESTful APIs.

The Watson Developer Cloud site has numerous sample apps to help you understand how to integrate the services together to build “cognitive” bots.

In one of the samples, the Dialog service is used to develop a pizza ordering bot. Users can order a pizza, specifying the size, toppings and delivery method, using natural language.

After understanding how this sample worked, I had an idea to enhance it with the tone analysis service

Where the heck is my pizza?

Let’s imagine the customer has ordered a delivery using pizza-bot and the driver is being (even) slower than normal.

If the customer asks

“Where is my pizza?”

We return the standard message all pizza takeaways use when calling to inquire where the driver is….

“The driver has just left, he’ll be ten minutes.”

An hour later…

When the driver still hasn’t arrived, the customer would probably ask again and with a bit less civility…

“Where the heck is my pizza? I ordered an hour ago! This is ridiculous.”

At this point, the “just ten minutes” reply is not going to be well received!

Building bots that can understand conversation tone will mean we can script a suitable response, rather than infuriating our hungry customers.

Using the tone analyser service, I wanted to enhance the sample to use conversation sentiment to affect the dialogue. Bot responses should be generated based upon both user input and conversation sentiment.

Let’s review both services before looking at how to combine them to create the improved pizza bot…

IBM Watson Dialog

The IBM Watson Dialog service enables a developer to automate scripting conversations, using natural language, between a virtual agent and a user. Developers build up a decision tree for dialogue, using a markup language to define the conversation paths.

Developers can then utilise the pre-defined linguistic model to converse with users. The system will keep track of the conversation state when processing user input to generate a suitable response. It can also store conversation properties, either extracted from user input or manually updated through the API.

These conversation properties can be used to control the dialogue branching.

Documentation on the service is available here.

IBM Watson Tone Analyser

The IBM Watson Tone Analyzer Service uses linguistic analysis to detect three types of tones from text: emotion, social tendencies, and language style.

Emotions identified include things like anger, fear, joy, sadness, and disgust. Identified social tendencies include things from the Big Five personality traits used by some psychologists. These include openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and emotional range. Identified language styles include confident, analytical, and tentative.

Documentation on the service is available here.

Extending Pizza Bot

Enhancing pizza bot to support dialogue about delivery times, we can start by identifying when the user is asking about the pizza delivery. At this point, unless the user is angry, we can return the default response. When sentiment analysis indicates this user is angry, we should branch to returning a more sympathetic message.

Matching User Input

Matching user input about delivery times, there a few common questions we want to capture.

  • Where’s my order?
  • How long will it be until my pizza arrives?
  • When will my takeout get here?

Creating our new conversation branch within a folder element will allow us to group the necessary input, grammar and output elements as a logical section.

Order Querieslink
<folder label="Order">
      <prompt selectionType="RANDOM">

This structure will process the output element, to generate the bot reply, only if the input grammar matches user input. Adding item nodes under the input’s grammar element will let us define the dialogue matching criteria, shown here.

Query Grammarlink
  <item>$where* order</item>
  <item>$where* pizza</item>
  <item>$how long* order</item>
  <item>$how long* pizza</item>
  <item>$when * order * here</item>
  <item>$when * pizza * here</item>

Using wildcard matching characters, $ and *, means the grammar (“$where * order”) will match questions including “Where is my pizza?” and “Where’s my pizza?” rather than having to manually define every permutation.

People often use synonyms in natural language. Rather than manually defining grammar rules for all alternative words for pizza and order, we can add concept elements to automatically match these. The sample already has a concept element defined for the pizza term, we only have to add elements for order.

Concept Entitieslink

Grammar rules which include the order term which automatically match takeaway, takeout or delivery.

Adding Default Response

Having matched the user input, we want to return the default response from a pre-specified list.

Bot Replieslink
  <prompt selectionType="RANDOM">
    <item>I've just checked and the driver is ten minutes away, is there anything else I can help with?</item>
    <item>Hmmm the driver's running a bit late, they'll be about ten minutes. Is there anything else I can help with?</item>
    <item>They should be with you in ten minutes. Is there anything else I can help with?</item>
  <goto ref="getUserInput_2442994"/>

Handling Angry Customers

Within the dialog markup, profile variables can be defined to store conversation entities. These variables can be referenced by conditional branches in the markup to control responses.

Defining a new profile variable for the anger score, this value can be updated manually before the current user input is processed to return the dialogue response.

Profile Variablelink
  <var_folder name="Home">
    <var name="anger" type="NUMBER" initValue="0" description="Anger emotion score for conversation."/>

Adding a child branch, for the conditional response, after the input grammar will allow us to return a custom response if the profile variable for the anger emotion is above a threshold.

Anger Branchinglink
<folder label="Order">
      <item>$where* order</item>
    <if matchType="ANY">
      <cond varName="anger" operator="GREATER_THEN">0.50</cond>
        <prompt selectionType="RANDOM">
          <item>Please accept our apologies for the delivery driver being very late. Could you call us on 0800 800 800 and we'll get this fixed?</item>

When we’ve detected the user is angry about the delivery delay, we direct them to ring the restaurant to find out what’s happened to the driver.

Combining Watson Services

Modifying the backend service that calls the Watson services, we’re now passing the user’s input through the Tone Analyzer service and manually updating user’s anger score in their profile, before calling the Dialog service.

This anger score will be used to control the dialogue response in real-time.

Using Tone Analyserlink
app.post('/conversation', function(req, res, next) {
  tone_analyzer.tone({ text: req.body.input }, function(err, tone) {
    var categories = tone.document_tone.tone_categories
    var emotion_tones = categories.find(function (tone) {
      return tone.category_id === 'emotion_tone'

    var anger_tone = emotion_tones.tones.find(function (tone) {
      return tone.tone_id === 'anger'

    var params = {client_id: req.body.client_id, dialog_id: dialog_id, name_values: [{name: 'anger', value: anger_tone.score}]}
    dialog.updateProfile(params, function (err, results) {
      var params = extend({ dialog_id: dialog_id }, req.body);
      dialog.conversation(params, function(err, results) {
          res.json({ dialog_id: dialog_id, conversation: results});

The commit log for the fork shows the full changes needed to integrate this feature.


Bots are a huge trend for 2016. One of the major challenges to developing your own bots is handling user input using natural language. How can you go beyond simple keyword matching and regular expressions to build solutions that actually understand what your user is asking?

Using the IBM Watson Dialog service users can script natural language conversations. Defining a linguistic model for their dialogue using markup language, the system can use this to process natural language and return the appropriate response. Conversation entities are recognised and stored in a user profile.

Combining this service with the IBM Watson Tone Analyzer, users can script conversations that use the user’s emotional tone to modify the response.

Modifying the pizza sample, we incorporate the anger score to return a more appropriate response when the user is angry about their delivery being delayed.

IBM Watson has many other services that can be integrated with the Dialog service using the same pattern to build “cognitive” bots. Using these services takes the hard work out of building bots that actually understand and respond with emotion to input using natural language.

Serverless APIs With OpenWhisk and API Connect

“Serverless” cloud platforms are a major trend in 2016. Following on from Amazon’s Lambda service, released eighteen months ago, this year has seen IBM, Microsoft and Google all launch their own solutions.

These platforms let you build stateless microservices, combining APIs with business logic, without servers. Microservices are executed on-demand, in milliseconds, rather than having to sit idle waiting for incoming requests. Users pay only for the raw computation time used.

Combining serverless APIs with static file hosting for site resources, e.g. HTML, JavaScript and CSS, means we can build entire serverless web applications.

Playing with OpenWhisk recently to build simple microservices, I began to investigate using the platform to build the APIs for serverless applications.

How can we use OpenWhisk to define a new microservice and then expose that service as an API with a HTTP interface?

Let’s start by looking at OpenWhisk…


Using the OpenWhisk platform, developers register small bits of code, known as Actions, that can be invoked on-demand. These functions can be written in Node.js, Swift or Docker images. Let’s look at a simple Node.js Action that takes a parameter and returns a message with that value.

OpenWhisk Action
function main(params) {
  return {
    payload: 'Hello ' + params.name

Node.js actions must include a function named main. OpenWhisk executes this function for each invocation, passing request parameters as arguments. Return values from the function will be included in the response.

Using the OpenWhisk command-line utility, we turn this local JavaScript code into a remote action.

[~/code/serverless]$ ls
[~/code/serverless]$ wsk action create hello_action source.js
ok: created action hello_action
[~/code/serverless]$ wsk action list
/james.thomas@uk.ibm.com_dev/hello_action                         private

With the action registered, we can test the service from the command-line.

[~/code/serverless]$ wsk action invoke -b hello_action -p name "Bernie Sanders"
ok: invoked hello_action with id 429b35c3e3ac494ea902390ca64afe32
    "result": {
        "payload": "Hello Bernie Sanders"
    "status": "success",
    "success": true

We can also update the action to use default parameter values.

[~/code/serverless]$ wsk action update hello_action -p name "Donald Trump"
ok: updated action hello_action
[~/code/serverless]$ wsk action invoke -b hello_action
ok: invoked hello_action with id 0299bf2baf9242b7a00a8095caaeb7a4
    "result": {
        "payload": "Hello Donald Trump"
    "status": "success",
    "success": true

Registered actions can be executed manually, using an authenticated API request, or automatically, hooking actions to triggers and feeds using rules. For more details on triggers, feeds and rules, please see the OpenWhisk documentation.

The command-line utility translates commands into HTTP requests to the OpenWhisk API.

Pro-Tip: Adding the ‘-v’ flag when using command-line utility will show HTTP traffic sent to the OpenWhisk API.

Serverless APIs With OpenWhisk

Building backend services for serverless web applications, there were two challenges to resolve before invoking these APIs from client-side JavaScript code.

  • Authentication. OpenWhisk API requests require HTTP authentication, using the developer’s credentials. Embedding these credentials within client-side files is a terrible idea…

  • Cross-Domain Requests. CORS support is not enabled on the OpenWhisk platform. Calling services from a browser would mandate us having CNAME records configured with an external domain.

Authentication needs to be resolved, while cross-domain support is an inconvenience.

Using OpenWhisk on IBM Bluemix, we have access to a huge range of cloud services to help build applications. Reviewing the catalogue, there’s a new service API Connect which can help us resolve both issues with minimal effort.

API Connect

Announced in February, API Connect is IBM’s new “API Management-as-a-Service” solution. Developers can use the service for creating, running, managing and securing APIs in the cloud.

Using this service, we can construct new public APIs, with CORS support, that proxy the authenticated OpenWhisk APIs used to trigger our services. Using these APIs from our serverless frontends will be possible without leaking credentials or having to configure DNS records.

Once we’ve signed up for an account with API Connect, you need to install the developer toolbox locally. Using this tool will allow us to construct new APIs and publish them to the cloud.

TLDR: I’ve exported the sample flow configuration generated below here. Import this YAML file into the API Connect editor, replacing USERNAME, PASSWORD and NAMESPACE, before deploying this flow to IBM Bluemix.

API Editor

Install the API Connect Toolkit using NPM and run the following command to open the editor.

$ npm install -g apiconnect
$ apic edit

Using the APIs panel, select the Add button. Provide a title for your service.

Leave the Add to a new product checkbox selected and provide a title for the product.

The editor now shows the Design panel, allowing you to define the external public API schema.

We’re going to define a single endpoint (/hello-name) which supports HTTP GET requests with a single query parameter.

Adding the endpoint

Disable the clientID definition under the “Security” panel and then scroll down to the Paths section.

Add a new path for the endpoint /hello-name. Set a parameter for this path, using the identifier name from location as query and type as string.

Move to the Definitions section to define the API response schema. We want to return a JSON object with a single property, result, that contains the JSON object returned from the Action response.

Add a new Definition, named whisk_response and type as object, with a single object property, result.

Under the Paths panel, expand the GET operation. Set the schema for the 200 response to whisk_response.

CORS supported is already enabled by default (under the Lifecycle section). Click the Save icon in toolbar and then move to the “Assemble” tab.

Defining API operations

Having defined the public API schema, we need to implement the API operations.

On the “Assemble” tab, the flow editor allows us to connect different backend operations to construct our service. IBM Bluemix only supports deploying flows constructed with the “DataPower Gateway policies” nodes. Microgateway nodes, e.g. Javascript, are not supported.

Invoking OpenWhisk Actions

The default flow contains a single invoke node. This node type makes HTTP requests, passing the result to the next node in the flow.

Use this node to execute your OpenWhisk Action by bringing up the editor and changing the URL to the correct endpoint, e.g. https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/namespaces/YOUR_NAMESPACE/actions/ACTION_ID?blocking=true

Make sure to include the query parameter, blocking=true. This makes OpenWhisk wait until the Action has completed execution before returning, rather than after invocation starts.

Change the HTTP method from GET to POST and fill in the username and passwords fields.

Add the value invoke_result to the Response Object Variable field. This will save the HTTP response into a context variable we can reference in the following map node definition.

Passing Query Parameters

Invoking OpenWhisk Actions through the API uses a HTTP POST request, passing parameters within the JSON body. Our external API supports HTTP GET operations, with parameters through query string values in the URL.

Using the map node in the flow will translate between these two methods.

Drag a map node from the left-hand panel and drop it on the wire between the circle and the invoke node.

Open the map node editor and add a new input parameter. Change the context variable to request.parameters.name with type string. This contains the query parameter value we’re using to pass in action arguments.

Returning to the map node editor, add a new output parameter. Leave the Context variable as message.body. This variable will be used by the invoke node to populate the request body.

Change the Content Type to application/json. Select the definition as inline schema to define the JSON schema for the HTTP POST body. Add the following JSON Schema definition to the editor form.

JSON Schema
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
  "type": "object"

With the input and output formats defined, we can wire the two parameters together. Under the Map panel, click the dot next to the input parameter and then click the second dot on the right, next to the name:string label.

Remember to click Save before proceeding.

Returning Action Result

OpenWhisk Action API invocation responses include both the action result payload and meta-data about the invocation event.

Sample Invocation Event
  "name": "hello_action",
  "subject": "james.thomas@uk.ibm.com",
  "activationId": "5388b29e9f134737baf57bd12257dfd7",
  "publish": false,
  "annotations": [],
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "response": {
    "result": {
      "payload": "Hello Bernie"
    "success": true,
    "status": "success"
  "end": 1461667635975,
  "logs": [],
  "start": 1461667635970,
  "namespace": "james.thomas@uk.ibm.com"

Rather than returning the raw result, we only want to return the result payload property (response.result). Using another map node we can define a subset of the invoked API response to be the HTTP response body.

Add a second map node to the flow, this time after the invoke node.

Add a new input property. We previously set a context variable in the invoke definition that will contain the API response (invoke_api). The response body is available as the body property of this variable.

Edit the context variable to be invoke_api.body.response.result to set the input property as the child property of the invoke result. Set the content type to application/json and schema to object.

Add a new output property. Leave the context variable as message.body. This context variable is used as the response body.

Set content type to application/json and change the definition to #/definitions/whisk_response. This was the JSON schema we created during the external API definition.

Returning to the map overview, wire together the input property to the result attribute of the output property.

Click the Save icon before making any further changes.

Using the invoke and map nodes, we’ve now implemented our external API. Making our API live requires us to deploy the flow definition to IBM Bluemix.

Deploying to IBM Bluemix

After saving your flow, click the Publish icon in the top-right hand corner. We’re going to publish to the default Sandbox target. Follow the steps to find and add this target to the local editor.

Once you’ve added Sandbox as the default target, select Publish and click the configured catalogue. On the dialog box, select the Select Specific Products option and choose the openwhisk product.

Clicking the confirmation button will upload our API definition to the external API Connect platform.

If everything has been configured and deploying correctly, your new API should now be live!

Let’s test it…


Opening the API Connect dashboard, the sandbox catalogue should now contain the openwhisk product with the public API we defined using the editor.

We can now verify this API works by making the HTTP request to the endpoint. Under the Settings tab, the API Endpoint section contains the Base URL for our API catalogue. APIs deployed under this catalogue will use this path as the endpoint root.

The API definition registered a relative URL path, /hello-name, which we can combine with the catalogue endpoint (e.g. https://api.us.apiconnect.ibmcloud.com/USER_ORG_SPACE/sb) to generate an public API endpoint.

We can now test this API by sending a HTTP GET request to the URL, passing the name as a query parameter.

[17:13:10 ~]$ http get https://api.us.apiconnect.ibmcloud.com/jamesthomasukibmcom-dev2/sb/hello-name?name="Bernie Sanders"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 16:24:36 GMT

    "result": {
        "payload": "Hello Bernie Sanders"

[17:24:36 ~]$

It works! 😃

We’ve successfully used API Connect to create an external API which proxies the OpenWhisk API. We now have a public endpoint we can use to invoke OpenWhisk Actions, without exposing our credentials and enabling CORS-support for cross-domain XHRs.


Serverless computing platforms give developers a rapid way to build APIs without servers. Combining this approach for building backend services with static file hosting provides an architecture for developing entire serverless web applications.

Experimenting with OpenWhisk as the backend platform for building serverless web applications, there were two challenges, authentication and cross-domain support.

Both issues were resolved using the API Connect service on IBM Bluemix.

API Connect is an incredibly powerful tool for creating, running, managing and securing APIs. Using the editor application to construct a new API, the endpoint was implemented using the invoke and map nodes. Deploying the generated flow to IBM Bluemix exposed the API as a public endpoint.

Playing With OpenWhisk

IBM recently launched OpenWhisk, their new “serverless” compute platform.

This service allows developers to register small bits of code that are executed on-demand in response to external events. The “serverless” stack started in 2014, when Amazon launched Lambda, but is now set to be a major technology trend in 2016 with IBM, Microsoft and Google all launching their own solutions.

OpenWhisk is the first open-source “serverless” platform. It supports running registered actions in Node.js, Swift and even executing custom Docker containers.

Playing around with the technology recently, I’ve created two projects using the platform.

OpenWhisk Client Library

OpenWhisk exposes a RESTful API for interacting with the service. Wrapping this API with a small client library makes it easy for developers to interact with the service from JavaScript.

This library has been donated back to the OpenWhisk project and is available through NPM.

const openwhisk = require('openwhisk')
const ow = openwhisk({api: 'https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/', api_key: '...', namespace: '...'})
ow.actions.invoke({actionName: 'action'}).then(result => {
  // result is service response


This project, available through NPM, makes it easy to run arbitary JavaScript functions as OpenWhisk actions. Passing a reference to a JavaScript function into the module, an OpenWhisk action is created using the function source. The module returns a new JavaScript function, that when executed, will call the remote action and returns a Promise with the service response.

const whiskify = require('whiskify')({api: 'https://', api_key: '...', namespace: '...'})
const action = whiskify(function (item) { return item + 1; })

action(1).then(function (result) {
  // == 2

action.map([1, 2, 3, 4]).then(function (result) {
 // == [2, 3, 4, 5]


This project uses the client library above.

Debugging Live Containers on IBM Bluemix

For the last few months, I’ve been using the ELK stack to collect logs from my Cloud Foundry applications. This service has been deployed on IBM Bluemix using a Docker container, previously detailed in this blog post, and running happily until it ran into issues this week.

Trying to load the Kibana web application, the server was returning connection refused errors. Looking at the container in the IBM Bluemix dashboard showed no obvious signs of issues. Reviewing the container log output uncovered nothing indicating what had failed.


Fixing this issue would require me to start debugging from within the live container, but how?

This container image had not included an SSH daemon that would allow remote access over SSH.

Looking over the documentation for the IBM Containers plugin for the Cloud Foundry CLI, I noticed the exec command.

Docker exec allows a user to spawn a process inside their Docker container via
the Docker API and CLI.

Since Docker 1.3, released in October 2014, the exec command has allowed users to run new commands within existing containers.

The IBM Containers implementation now supports this Docker command.

Using the IBM Containers plugin for the Cloud Foundry CLI, I can find the container id for the instance I want to debug and then start a bash shell to start resolving my issue.

$ cf ic ps
$ cf ic exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash

Having a live shell to my container allowed me to resolve the issue within a few minutes, without having to affect the running state of the container. This command also removes the need to keep an SSH daemon running on containers for remote access.

For more information on the subset of Docker commands supported by IBM Containers, see the following documentation.

Cloud Foundry Application Monitoring Bot for Slack

Cloud Foundry makes it so easy to build, deploy and manage applications that it can be a struggle just to keep up with development progress…

“Who is restarting this application?”
“What is this new service instance?”
“When did this application instance run out of memory?”

Development teams are increasingly using Slack to collaborate on projects and using custom bots to manage and monitor applications, triggered through the channel messages. This approach, popularised by Github, has now become known as “ChatOps”. Using group chat for development projects gives greater operational visibility to everyone in the team.

Slack has exploded in use over the past two years, recently signing up more than a million active users. The platform publishes an API for writing bots that respond automatically to messages, allowing users to write custom integrations for external services.

Users can register webhooks to receive channel messages, based upon keyword triggers, and allow bots to reply with new channel messages. The platform also provides a websocket channel with registered bots for real-time communication.

Could we write a custom bot for monitoring applications on the Cloud Foundry platform?

The bot would publish notifications about applications and services into group channels, helping keep teams updated with platform events in real-time.

Cloud Foundry Monitoring APIs

Cloud Foundry provides access to the platform through a series of RESTful APIs, exposed by the Cloud Controller component. User commands from the CF CLI tool are translated into calls to these APIs.

Tip: Setting the CF_TRACE environment parameter to true will show the API calls generated by the CLI commands.

Platform user account credentials are used to obtain OAuth2 tokens for authenticating service calls.

Looking at the documentation, there’s an endpoint for retrieving all platform events. This API is used to retrieve events for an application when using the CF CLI events command. Events can be filtered by the application, event type and timestamps. Responses include events about changes to applications, services and service instances.

Polling this API, with timestamp filtering to ignore old events, we can retrieve a continuous stream of new platform events.

Slack Integration

Setting up a new bot integration for a Slack group provides you with a token you can use to authenticate with the Real-Time Messaging API. Rather than having to implement the Websocket-based API handler ourselves, we can use one of the many existing community libraries.

Using the Node.js client library, passing in the authentication token, we just need to implement callback handlers for the API events.

Slack Client
var Slack = require('slack-client')

var slackToken = 'xoxb-YOUR-TOKEN-HERE' # Add a bot at https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot and copy the token here.
var autoReconnect = true # Automatically reconnect after an error response from Slack.
var autoMark = true # Automatically mark each message as read after it is processed.

var slack = new Slack(slackToken, autoReconnect, autoMark)
slack.on('message', function (message) {...})
slack.on('error', function (err) {...})
slack.on('open', function () {})


When platform events occur, we forward these to any channels the bot is registered in.

Plugging together the Cloud Foundry event monitoring code with the Slack bot integration, cfbot was born…


This Cloud Foundry monitoring bot can be deployed to… Cloud Foundry!

You will need to register the bot with your Slack group to receive an authentication token. This token, along with login details for a platform account, need to be created as user-provided service credentials. The bot will read these service credentials on deployment and start monitoring for events.

Full installation instructions available in the project README.


cfbot will monitor events from applications in all spaces and organisations that the user account has access to.

Users can filter the applications and events being reported using the apps and events commands. Both commands take application or event identifiers that are used to match incoming events. The wildcard ‘*’ identifier can be used to revert to matching all events.

@cf apps // show the currently application filter
@cf apps app_name // add the 'app_name' to the filter list
@cf apps * // reset to the filter to wildcard matching

@cf events // show the currently event filter
@cf events event_type // add the 'event_type' to the filter list
@cf events * // reset to the filter to wildcard matching

@cf status // show the current bot status message

@cf polling_frequency // show the cf events api polling time in seconds
@cf polling_frequency 10 // set the cf events api polling time in seconds

The following events are currently registered:

  • App Creation and Deletion Events.
  • App Lifecycle Events (start, stop, restart, restage)
  • Instance Crash Events.
  • Service Creation, Deleting and Binding.
  • Scaling (memory, CPU, disk)
  • Routes Changes (map, unmap)

Other bots

Other people have written Cloud Foundry bots before cfbot. Here are the other projects I discovered that might be useful…

Updated IBM Watson Nodes for Node-RED

Earlier this year, I made a major upate to the Node-RED nodes for the IBM Watson services available through IBM Bluemix. Since then, the IBM Watson team has been busy, with lots of changes to APIs. I’ve recently been working through these changes, updating the nodes, to ensure they work against the latest APIs.

Updates to these nodes have now been finished and are available through the boilerplate on IBM Bluemix or by installing the IBM Bluemix Nodes package locally.

If you have an existing Node-RED instance running in IBM Bluemix, please review the documentation for upgrade instructions.

If you encounter any issues, please raise a issue on Github.

For full details on the changes are available in the pull request.

NPM Modules in Node-RED

Before Christmas, my department at IBM had one of our semi-regular Hack Days to get everyone together and work on interesting ideas away from the day job. I spent the time playing with an idea to make exposing NPM packages in Node-RED easier…

Node-RED is a visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things.

It makes it easy to create, combine and control data flowing between hardware devices, web APIs and open protocols. The tool exposes operations through a series of nodes, which can be created through the browser-based editor and connected to other nodes to create message flows.

The tool comes built-in with a huge selection of nodes, from connecting to a Raspberry Pi to handling HTTP requests, for creating flows. Users create their own nodes to expose new functionality, by creating small modules using JavaScript and HTML. People often wrap existing NPM modules into custom Node-RED nodes to use that module functionality in flows.

NPM has over two hundred thousand modules, many of which provide simple “stateless” functions that return a result based upon the input data. These modules are ideally suited for using within Node-RED message flows.

Exposing multiple new NPM modules required creating custom Node-RED nodes for every module you wanted to use. Whilst the Node-RED node boilerplate is small, it becomes a bit laborious and repetitive to keep doing this for extremely simple modules.

Wondering how to make this easier, I started hacking on ideas.

Two days later…

Node-RED node to dynamically expose NPM modules as nodes.

This new node allows you to dynamically expose NPM modules as Node-RED nodes without needing to manually create new nodes for them.

Using the node editor panel, the user can set the name of the NPM package to expose along with the module invocation style.

Incoming flow messages are passed as an argument to the function being executed. Users can set up the node to call the module, a module function or even run custom setup code in response to incoming messages.

Execution results, either returned directly or asynchronously (Promises and callback-style supported), are sent as the outgoing message payload.

When the flow is deployed, the NPM module will be automatically installed and instantiated.

Now we don’t have to write lots of extra boilerplate code every time we want to use a tiny NPM module in a Node-RED flow, hurrah!

Here’s a short demonstration using the node to expose the sentiment package in a flow:

Node.js V4 in Cloud Foundry

Last week, Node.js released the latest version of their project, v4.0.0. This release, representing the convergence of io.js with the original Node.js project, came with lots of exciting features like improved ES6 support.

Cloud Foundry already supports multiple versions of the Node.js runtime. Developers select the desired runtime version using a parameter in their application’s package descriptor.

So, we just update package.json to include “4.0.0” and re-deploy our application?

Not yet.

There is an unresolved technical issue delaying the release of “official” Node.js v4 support for the platform. 😿

Can we add support ourselves?


To do this, we need to explore how Cloud Foundry configures the runtime environment for applications.


Rather than hardcoding supported runtimes and frameworks into the platform, Cloud Foundry borrowed the buildpack model from Heroku. Buildpacks are a set of scripts, run by the platform during deployment, to configure the runtime environment.

Users can set an explicit buildpack for an application, using the manifest, or let the platform decide. Buildpacks for common runtimes are pre-installed with the platform. Buildpacks set through the manifest can point to external URLs, allowing users to create new buildpacks supporting custom runtimes.

Each buildpack must contain the following files as executable scripts.

  • bin/detect - determine whether a buildpack is suitable for an application.
  • bin/compile - install and configure the runtime environment on the DEA.
  • bin/release - provide metadata with information on executing application.

Full details on existing buildpacks for the platform are available here.

Node.js is supported as an “official” buildpack by the platform. This will be the one we will modify to add support for the latest version of the runtime.

Node.js Buildpack

This is the Node.js buildpack for Cloud Foundry. Applications using this buildpack can select the version of Node.js to install using the engine parameter in the package descriptor.

Looking at the bin/compile script will show us how the Node.js runtime is installed during deployment.

This snippet handles accessing the Node.js version configured, using the node.engine parameter from package.json, before calling install_nodejs to install the correct runtime package.

install_bins() {
  local node_engine=$(read_json "$BUILD_DIR/package.json" ".engines.node")
  local npm_engine=$(read_json "$BUILD_DIR/package.json" ".engines.npm")

  echo "engines.node (package.json):  ${node_engine:-unspecified}"
  echo "engines.npm (package.json):   ${npm_engine:-unspecified (use default)}"
  echo ""

  warn_node_engine "$node_engine"
  install_nodejs "$node_engine" "$BUILD_DIR/.heroku/node"
  install_npm "$npm_engine" "$BUILD_DIR/.heroku/node"

Searching through the buildpack for this function, it’s in the lib/binaries.sh file. Looking at the function code, it translates the version number into a URL pointing to an archive with the pre-compiled Node.js binary. This archive file is downloaded, extracted and installed into the runtime environment.

Translating Node.js version identifiers into archive URLs uses a special file in the buildpack, manifest.yml. This file maps every supported version to a pre-built binary location.

Looking at previous commits to the Node.js buildpack, adding support for additional versions of Node.js simply requires updating this file with the extra version identifier and archive URL.

Until the Cloud Foundry team updates the buildpack to support Node.js v4, they won’t provide an external archive containing the pre-built runtime environment.

Where can we find a suitable build of the Node.js binary?

Node.js Runtime Binaries

Cloud Foundry borrowed the buildpack concept from Heroku and still maintains backwards compatibility with their platform. Heroku buildpacks will work with Cloud Foundry applications. The Node.js buildpack for Cloud Foundry is actually still a fork of Heroku’s.

Looking back through the original buildpack source, this URL template is used to translate Node.js versions to archive URLs being built by Heroku.


Combining the correct version identifier and platform parameters with this template gave the following location for a potential build of the Node.js v4 runtime.


Running curl against the location successfully downloaded the Node.js v4 binary archive!

Custom v4 Buildpack

Forking the Cloud Foundry Node.js buildpack on Github, we can update the manifest.yml with the Node.js v4 identifier pointing to the Heroku runtime archive. This external Git repository will be used as the buildpack identifier in the application manfest.

Deploying with v4

Having updated our application manifest with the custom buildpack location and set the updated node version flag, re-deploying our application will start it running on Node.js v4.

[20:02:29 ~]$ cf app sample-demo-app
Showing health and status for app sample-demo-app in org james.thomas@uk.ibm.com / space dev as james.thomas@uk.ibm.com...

requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 256M x 1 instances
urls: sample-demo-app.mybluemix.net
last uploaded: Fri Sep 18 18:33:56 UTC 2015
stack: lucid64
buildpack: SDK for Node.js(TM) (node.js-4.0.0)

     state     since                    cpu    memory          disk        details
#0   running   2015-09-18 07:35:01 PM   0.0%   65.3M of 256M   59M of 1G
[20:03:13 ~]$

Looking at the logs from the deployment we can see the latest Node.js runtime has been downloaded and installed within our runtime environment.


Buildpacks are a brilliant feature of Cloud Foundry.

Understanding how buildpacks are structured and used by the platform means we can start customising existing buildpacks and even start creating our own.

If you want to run Node.js applications using v4 on Cloud Foundry today, you can use the following buildpack created using the instructions above.

Cloud Foundry is currently adding support for the version to the official buildpack, follow their progress here.

Location-Based Cloud Foundry Applications Using Nginx and Docker

Routing application traffic based upon the geographic location of incoming requests can be used for a number of scenarios…

  • Restricting access to your application outside defined geographic regions.
  • Load-balancing traffic to the closest region for improved performance.
  • Providing custom applications for different countries.

IBM Bluemix allows deploying applications to different geographic regions through hosting instances of the Cloud Foundry platform in multiple locations.

Cloud Foundry supports simple HTTP routing rules for deployed applications. Organisations can register domains and routes for applications. Routes can be bound to one or more deployed applications. Incoming HTTP traffic is load-balanced, using the Round-Robin policy, between the application instances bound to a route.

However, the platform does not currently support traffic routing based upon the geographic location of incoming requests or sharing domains and routes between regions.

So, say we want to deploy custom versions of an application to different regions and automatically forward users to the correct version based upon their location. How can we achieve this?

Let’s find out…

Deploying Application To Different Regions

IBM Bluemix currently provides Cloud Foundry in two regions for deploying applications.

  • US South (api.ng.bluemix.net)
  • Europe (api.eu-gb.bluemix.net)

Moving between regions is as simple as providing the different region endpoint during the authentication command.

[16:25:47 ~]$ cf login -a api.ng.bluemix.net -u james.thomas@uk.ibm.com -s dev
API endpoint: api.ng.bluemix.net


Targeted org james.thomas@uk.ibm.com

Targeted space dev

API endpoint:   https://api.ng.bluemix.net (API version: 2.27.0)
User:           james.thomas@uk.ibm.com
Org:            james.thomas@uk.ibm.com
Space:          dev
[16:26:44 ~]$

We’re now authenticated against the US South region.

Let’s start by deploying our sample application, which displays a web page showing the application URL, to this region.

[16:44:24 ~/code/sample]$ cf api
API endpoint: https://api.ng.bluemix.net (API version: 2.27.0)
[16:44:32 ~/code/sample]$ cf push sample-demo-app
Using manifest file /Users/james/code/sample/manifest.yml

Updating app sample-demo-app in org james.thomas@uk.ibm.com / space dev as james.thomas@uk.ibm.com...


Showing health and status for app sample-demo-app in org james.thomas@uk.ibm.com / space dev as james.thomas@uk.ibm.com...

requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 256M x 1 instances
urls: sample-demo-app.mybluemix.net
last uploaded: Fri Sep 11 15:45:04 UTC 2015
stack: lucid64
buildpack: SDK for Node.js(TM) (node.js-4.0.0)

     state     since                    cpu    memory          disk        details
#0   running   2015-09-11 04:46:00 PM   0.0%   67.1M of 256M   59M of 1G
[16:45:14 ~/code/sample]$ 

Once that has finished, we can move over to the European region and deploy our application there.

[16:52:33 ~/code/sample]$ cf login -a api.eu-gb.bluemix.net -u james.thomas@uk.ibm.com -s dev
[16:52:58 ~/code/sample]$ cf push sample-demo-app
Using manifest file /Users/james/code/sample/manifest.yml

Updating app sample-demo-app in org james.thomas@uk.ibm.com / space dev as james.thomas@uk.ibm.com...


Showing health and status for app sample-demo-app in org james.thomas@uk.ibm.com / space dev as james.thomas@uk.ibm.com...

requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 256M x 1 instances
urls: sample-demo-app.eu-gb.mybluemix.net
last uploaded: Fri Sep 11 15:53:31 UTC 2015
stack: lucid64
buildpack: SDK for Node.js(TM) (node.js-4.0.0)

     state     since                    cpu    memory          disk        details
#0   running   2015-09-11 04:54:17 PM   0.0%   67.4M of 256M   59M of 1G
[16:54:25 ~/code/bluemix/sample]$

With the second deployment completed, there are now instances of the same application running in separate regions.

Each instance is available through a separate URL.

Now we need to set up traffic forwarding from the relevant locations to the correct region.

Reverse Proxy with Region Traffic Forwarding

Due to the platform not supporting multi-region traffic routing, we need to set up a custom reverse proxy. This server will receive requests from our external application domain and transparently forward them onto the correct region application.

We’re going to use Nginx.

Nginx (pronounced engine-x) is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server

Nginx comes with a module for looking up locations associated with IP address using the MaxMind GeoIP library. The module can resolve incoming request addresses into continents, countries and even cities. Using the variables defined by the module, we can write traffic forwarding rules to send requests to the correct region.

Nginx Configuration

Nginx defines two configuration directives, geoip_country and geoip_city, to specify locations for the MaxMind GeoIP database files.

http { 
    geoip_country /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat;
    geoip_city /etc/nginx/geoip/GeoLiteCity.dat;

When configured, Nginx will expose a series of variables for each request with geographical information.

  • $geoip_country_code - two-letter country code, for example, “RU”, “US”.
  • $geoip_country_name - country name, for example, “Russian Federation”, “United States”.
  • $geoip_city_continent_code - two-letter continent code, for example, “EU”, “NA”.
  • $geoip_city - city name, for example, “Moscow”, “Washington”.

Starting with the default nginx configuration, there are only a few modifications needed to set up a reverse proxy based upon location.

For each request, we check the $geoip_city_continent_code against our list of regions. If the request is valid, setting the proxy_pass directive forwards the request onto the correct region. We also overwrite the Host: HTTP header with the region URL. IBM Bluemix uses this header to internally route incoming requests to the correct application host.

Requests coming from outside these locations will be sent to a custom error page.

Due to a known issue with IBM Containers, we must use IP addresses rather than the host names with the proxy_pass directive.

Here is the full configuration for the enabled-site/default file.

server {
  listen 80 default_server;
  listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

  root /usr/share/nginx/html;
  index index.html index.htm;
  error_page 404 /404.html;

# Make site accessible from http://localhost/
  server_name localhost;

  location = /404.html {

  location / {
    set $host_header "unknown";

    if ($geoip_city_continent_code = "EU") { 
      set $host_header "sample-demo-app.eu-gb.mybluemix.net";

    if ($geoip_city_continent_code = "NA") { 
      set $host_header "sample-demo-app.mybluemix.net";

    if ($host_header = "unknown") {
      return 404;

    proxy_set_header Host $host_header;

With the reverse proxy server configured, we need to provision a new production server, install Linux and Nginx, configure networking, security updates and backup services…

…or we can use Docker.

Running Nginx using Docker

There are thousands of repositories on Docker Hub providing Nginx, including the official image. Unfortunately, the official image provides a version of Nginx that is not built with the geo_ip module.

Ubuntu’s default package repository for Nginx does provide a build including the geo_ip module. By modifying the Dockerfile for the official image, we can build a new image from Ubuntu with the required version of Nginx and include our custom configuration files.

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get -y install nginx

# copy custom configuration
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
COPY default /etc/nginx/sites-available/
COPY geoip /etc/nginx/geoip
COPY 404.html /usr/share/nginx/html/

# forward request and error logs to docker log collector
RUN ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.log
RUN ln -sf /dev/stderr /var/log/nginx/error.log

# expose HTTP and HTTP ports
EXPOSE 80 443

CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

Building and running this container locally, we can test that Nginx is configured correctly. The repository containing the Dockerfile and build artificats is located here.

[16:58:40 ~/code/final]$ docker build -t geo_ip .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.88 MB
Step 0 : FROM ubuntu
 ---> 91e54dfb1179
Step 9 : CMD nginx -g daemon off;
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7bb6dbaafe3e
Successfully built 7bb6dbaafe3e
[16:58:50 ~/code/final]$ docker run -Pti geo_ip

With the custom image ready, we just need to deploy it somewhere…

Running Nginx on IBM Containers

IBM Bluemix supports deploying Docker containers alongside Cloud Foundry applications, allowing us to use the same cloud platform for running our custom region applications as providing the reverse proxy

Pushing pre-built images to the IBM Containers service is really as simple as creating a new tag and typing docker push.

Please read and follow the documentation about installing the command-line container management tools and authenticating with the remote service before attempting the commands below.

[14:10:52 ~]$ docker tag geo_ip registry.ng.bluemix.net/jthomas/geo_ip
[14:10:59 ~]$ docker images
REPOSITORY                               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
geo_ip                                   latest              7bb6dbaafe3e        3 days ago          222.3 MB
registry.ng.bluemix.net/jthomas/geo_ip   latest              7bb6dbaafe3e        3 days ago          222.3 MB
[14:11:07 ~]$ cf ic login
** Retrieving client certificates from IBM Containers
** Storing client certificates in /Users/james/.ice/certs
Successfully retrieved client certificates
** Authenticating with registry at registry.eu-gb.bluemix.net
Successfully authenticated with registry
[14:24:25 ~]$ docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/jthomas/geo_ip
The push refers to a repository [registry.ng.bluemix.net/jthomas/geo_ip] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository registry.ng.bluemix.net/jthomas/geo_ip (1 tags)
Pushing tag for rev [7bb6dbaafe3e] on {https://registry.ng.bluemix.net/v1/repositories/jthomas/geo_ip/tags/latest}
[14:25:39 ~]$ cf ic images
REPOSITORY                                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              VIRTUAL SIZE
registry.ng.bluemix.net/jthomas/geo_ip            latest              7b1865be-778        About a minute ago   0 B
registry.ng.bluemix.net/ibmliberty                latest              2209a9732f35        3 weeks ago          263.6 MB
registry.ng.bluemix.net/ibmnode                   latest              8f962f6afc9a        3 weeks ago          178.9 MB
registry.ng.bluemix.net/ibm-mobilefirst-starter   latest              97513e56aaa7        3 weeks ago          464.9 MB
[14:26:43 ~]$ 

We can now use the IBM Bluemix dashboard to start a new container from our custom image, binding a public IP address and exposing ports.

Once the container starts, accessing the bound IP address shows the web page coming back with the region-specific application route.

Using DNS A records, we can now map our external URL to the IP address of the container. Users visiting this URL will be sent to the reverse proxy server which will then forward the request onto the correct region application.

Testing it all out…

Testing out the forwarding rules requires us to send HTTP requests from multiple regions. GeoWebView will run web browsers located in different geographies and show you the rendered page output.

Running the tool with our application’s web address, shows the following rendered page images.

We can see the browsers from the United States and Europe are sent to the correct region. The browser from South Africa is shown the custom error page.

Using Nginx we’ve configured a reverse proxy to route users, based upon their location, to applications running in different IBM Bluemix regions. We’re hosting the service on the same platform as our applications, using Docker. Most importantly, the whole process is transparent to the user, they aren’t forced to visit country-specific URLs.
