Creating Todo MVC in Dojo - Part 1: Models Feb 26, 2012 In this first article, we going to look at using DojoX MVC to define our application Models, showing the use of the new StatefulModel class. Later in the series, we’ll look at binding our defined Model to a View template, rendering the HTML output and hooking into user events. Introducing StatefulModels DojoX MVC uses a specific class for representing Models in the MVC pattern, StatefulModel. By using or extending this class, applications have access to a native JavaScript data model that integrates with all the classes under the MVC package. ...
Creating Todo MVC in Dojo - Overview Jan 28, 2012 Before Christmas, Addy Osmani sent out the following tweet asking for a Dojo-version of the TodoMVC application. Reviewing their Github page, the project aims to allow developers to compare MVC frameworks by providing implementations of a sample Todo application using different toolkit’s MVC support. They currently have over a dozen entries for toolkits, including Backbone, JavascriptMVC and Spine with more coming soon but, unfortunately, no entry for The Dojo Toolkit. ...
Moving to Dojo 1.7 and the path to 2.0 Dec 18, 2011 Dojo 1.7 was released this month, giving users early access to lots of features that are going to be standard in Dojo 2.0, due late 2012. We’ve already been using early releases of Dojo 1.7 since the summer in my day-to-day role with IBM working on Watson, as we wanted to take advantage of the new module format, better mobile support and much more. With 1.7 now available, I wanted to share my experiences using it on a real project, showing developers what new features are available, how they can use them and what advantages this brings. ...
DojoConf 2011 - Building Dojo In The Cloud Oct 22, 2011 September saw this year’s Dojo Conference hit Washington, D.C for two days. Attending as one of this year’s speakers, I was given the second slot on Saturday morning to talk about the Dojo Web Builder. The presentation covered why we built the tool, what it can do (including a live demo), a high-level overview of the architecture and finished looking at how users have been using the tool since it launched in April. ...